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Status of sprint 00 Date 26.1.2024

Week 3: 15.1.2024-19.1.2024

During the first week of Future Factory 2024, we got to meet our team members for the first time. The primary goal of the week was establishing a solid foundation for collaboration and communication. To achieve this, we first designated the key roles within the team. You can read more on that from our team introduction. Additionally, we set up our team's web page and OPF page.

Week 4: 22.1.2024-26.1.2024

On monday, we were given a brief introduction to the product we will be working on during this project. As a team, we spent some time making sure that all issues for Sprint 00 were handled by someone on the team. We spent a good amount of time getting familiar with Tukko, the application we will be working on during this project.

Our team managed to get Tukko up and running, as well as setting up multiple CSC virtual machines.

Overall, we spent a lot of time getting ready for sprint 01. Our primary focus for the next sprint is on planning the coming project.

Status of sprint 01 Date 9.2.2024

Week 5: 29.1.2024-2.2.2024

This week kicked off with the assignment for the project and the introduction of the product backlog. We assigned the new issues for Sprint 01 among our team members. We discussed the requested features, imported the provided user stories and started working on the documentation. Some team members managed to get Tukko to run on CSC service and started the process of launching development platforms needed for the future. Other team members focused on studying their respective areas of responsibility.

We landed on a first draft of planned features for Tukko 1.1. They can be found listed in the product mindmap.

Week 6: 5.2.2024-9.2.2024

The second week of sprint 01 was spent mostly on documentation and setting up CSC services for future needs. Our Operations and security team members started work on some CI/CD setups for our Tukko implementation. On the project management side of things, we began working on our budget estimation, project plan and other important documentation. We also updated the visual look of our teams web pages. We are well within schedule and work is progressing smoothly.

Our goal for next sprint is getting ready to present our offer to our customer. This includes a lot of documentation and other planning.

Status of sprint 02 Date 23.2.2024

Week 7: 12.2.2024-16.2.2024

Throughout this week, our team has dedicated significant effort to planning and documentation tasks. We engaged in planning poker sessions, facilitating our initial budget estimation for the features. Additionally, we included two additional features in our plan and outlined a preliminary implementation schedule, which will be further developed in the upcoming week.

Moreover, our team's tester has already identified and reported several bugs in the original release version of Tukko.

Week 8: 19.2.2024-23.2.2024

As planned, this week was primarily dedicated to project documentation and preparation for our presentation to client representatives on Friday, 23.2. We successfully completed the Project Plan, Master Test Plan, Requirement Specification, Product Mind Map, Feature Descriptions, and the Offer.

We were selected to present our plan for Tukko 1.1. The presentation was well-received, and the board expressed satisfaction with our cohesive feature list.

Future Factory 2024 will be on hold next week as our team takes time to relax and recuperate. Following the break, we will resume work on implementing our first features.

Status of sprint 03 Date 8.3.2024

Week 9: 26.2.2024-1.3.2024

Future Factory 2024 was on hold for this week. No progress was made for the project during the break.

Week 10: 4.3.2024-8.3.2024

On Monday, we returned from our well-earned break, eager to commence development on Tukko 1.1. As this sprint will last only for this week, our team's primary focus is on regaining momentum and planning our next steps. We successfully completed one of the smaller features, FEA112: Change branding to team and JAMK brand, marking a productive start to the week. We also tested the functionality of the updated links to ensure they work correctly. Additionally, we began work on a feature to compare two different LAM stations side by side. Our team also set up a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build and deploy the development environment. Additionally, some security tools are being run at test stage.

On Friday, we continued to work on the comparison feature and started to work on a feature to allow a user to search for a location with a search bar. Test cases for these features were also written. We ended the week with a review and a retrospective of our shorter-than-usual sprint.

Next sprint, we will keep working on the features that we started this week. We are eager to start implementing something meaningful to the traffic visualizer.

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.3.2024

Week 11: 11.3.2024-15.3.2024

This week, we continued working on our selected features according to our feature roadmap. Localization into Swedish is almost complete, as is the feature to search for a location by name. Work on the comparison feature also continued, and we managed to set up a proof of concept for allowing users to view the traffic situation in Sweden. The challenge with traffic in Sweden is a general lack of available data. It appears that traffic data is only collected in three counties in Sweden: Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Skåne. Consequently, we have decided to limit the feature to only cover traffic in those areas.

Week 12: 18.3.2024-22.3.2024

During the second week of Sprint 04, work continued on the features. Our progress was disrupted by a semi-mandatory event at JAMK, but it provided us with the opportunity to meet the team face-to-face for the first time and have lunch together. Despite the event, significant progress has been made this week. We are currently testing some of the features and refining them to meet our quality criteria.

However, we are encountering some scheduling issues, with some features taking up more time than anticipated and the event disrupting our workflow. Next Monday, we will need to make a decision to either drop some of our planned features or find a way to allocate more time to the project. Fortunately, this is a course project, and such challenges are part of the learning process. Overall, the team has been performing well, demonstrating dedication and efficiency in our tasks.

In the next sprint, we will continue working on implementing our selected features, keeping an eye on the fast-approaching Demo Day on 15.04.2024. It is worth noting that the next two weeks will be a little different, as we usually work on Mondays and Fridays. However, due to Easter, we will most likely be taking 29.03. and 01.04. off.

Status of sprint 05 Date 5.4.2024

Week 13: 25.3.2024-29.3.2024

We started Sprint 05 with a brief review of our current project status and updated our roadmap accordingly. After careful consideration, we made the decision to drop Feature 111 (provide road condition reports) due to time constraints. While we remain optimistic about delivering the rest of the planned features on time, we will be monitoring the schedule more closely moving forward. Work on the remaining features has started.

As mentioned earlier, due to Easter, we will be taking 29.03. and 01.04. off, making this sprint a lot shorter than usual. With Demo Day looming, we have begun preparing our implementation of Tukko 1.1 to showcase our progress to our peers and potential external visitors.

Week 14: 1.4.2024-5.4.2024

We returned from our Easter break on Friday. With other studies occupying much of our team members' time during the break, we did not make as much progress on the project as anticipated. However, on a positive note, work has begun on all the planned features, and we have completed testing of the search bar feature, deeming it ready for release.

Next week marks the beginning of Sprint 06, which is the final sprint dedicated to working on Tukko. Following these two weeks, our product should be ready for release. We really need to put our heads down and work if we want this to happen, but our team is in high spirits.

Status of sprint 06 Date 19.4.2024

Week 15: 8.4.2024-12.4.2024

We kicked off the final full sprint of this project by adding some finishing touches to features slated for showcasing at the upcoming Demo Day next Monday. While progress on most of the remaining features is on track, we're facing the possibility of cutting some features from the final release. Unfortunately, one feature on the chopping block is FEA110 - Enhance color contrast for color blindness, despite its significance to our team. Additionally, time constraints may impact our ability to deliver some features with the desired level of quality.

On a positive note, we are pleased with the progress of the features to export data to CSV from the application. Additionally, we are eagerly anticipating Demo Day, where we'll have the opportunity to showcase our service to other teams and, hopefully, to outside visitors as well. Some of our team members will also be visiting other teams during the event.

Week 16: 15.4.2024-19.4.2024

The final official week of the project commenced with Demo Day, where we had the opportunity to showcase what our team has been working on during this spring. Our showcase went well, and we received positive feedback from our visitors. Some of our team members also got the chance to visit other teams and were impressed by their results. Sadly, we didn't have any outside visitors during the Demo Day.

We spent the rest of the sprint testing and documenting the last of our implemented features. Work on required end report also began, which will continue into next week. We are also preparing a short presentation for 22.4.2024 for the End Seminar. In it, we wish to give a short overview of what we've been working on, what challenges we have faced and what we have learned during this project.

Next week marks the conclusion of both the Future Factory 2024 IT course and our project.