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Communication Plan

Document Communication Plan
Author: Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Version: 1.0
Date: 05.02.2024


The purpose of this communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels used for the project Propp. Clear and consistent communication ensures good information flow as well as helps to achieve project's quality objectives.


Project Stakeholders can be divided into four groups from the point of view of communication:

  1. Project group team members
    • Jere Myllylä - Team Leader
    • Jere Soininen - OPS/Administrator
    • Mikko Partanen - Security
    • Jesse Anttila - Developer
    • Ville-Veikko Vähäaho - Tester
  2. Project manager(s) and Coaches
    • Marko Rintala - Scrum Master
  3. Stakeholder representatives
    • Product owner Reima Parviainen
    • Combitech representativies
      • Sini Karvonen
      • Jarmo Luostarinen
  4. Other external stakeholders (e.g. Head of Department(s), technical experts, etc.)
    • Other teams

This plan provides the basis for communication between the project team and three other project stakeholders.

General Communications Channels

  • Discord: The primary communication channel for team members within ESCapes, course mentors and stakeholders. Used for team meetings outside of daily scrum.
  • Teams: Used for daily scrum meetings.
  • Zoom: Used for general instruction sessions from scrum master.

Written Communication Models

  • All the written communication will be on teams dedicated discord channels. If more channels are needed for organizing things, coaches can be asked to add more channels.

Internal Communications

  • Scrum meeting: Every monday and friday from 9:00 to 9:15.
  • Planning session / team work session every monday and friday after instruction sessions from the Scrum master/coaches.
  • Team members can easily contact each other through Discord or Teams for problem solving.

Communications with Coaches

  • Communication with coaches and scrum master is done in Discord on either dedicated public channels or direct messaging the coaches. Scrum master Marko Rintala gives their instructions during zoom sessions that are scheduled in advanse in the daily agenda in course page.

Communications with Stakeholder Representatives

  • The communication with the customer Combitech is done through Product Owner Reima Parviainen. Other representatives from combitech are Sini Karvonen and Jarmo Luostarinen.
  • The primary mode of communication with Product Owner Reima Parviainen is via Discord; however, discussions can also take place on Teams if necessary.
  • Communication with other Stakeholder Representatives is done either via Discord, Teams or other agreed communication channel.

Communications with External Stakeholders

  • Communication with other teams in the project course is done in Discord.
  • Communication with External Stakeholders is done via Annoucements on the teams webpage.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Communications

The success of the communications are continuously evaluated during the project, especially during weekly coach meetings and as well as in communication studies. Any inconvenience will be addressed immediately and the communication plan modified if and / or necessary.


Original can be found here: