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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author: Jere Myllylä
Version: 1.0
Date: 21.2.2024

1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

This project aims to futher develop an open source service called "Tukko - Traffic Visualizer". The service was originally created by Team IotTitude in WIMMA Lab 2023. Both the original assignment and the new task came from Combitech Oy.

Tukko utilizes data from digitraffic API, and improves upon it by unifying the scattered info across multiple endpoints into a much simpler API. It also gather data long term, which can later be shown to users to check for recent anomalies.

By further developing the Traffic Visualizer, our aim is to enhance the user experience and expand its userbase.

1.2 Goals and tasks

This document describes the background, objectives, tasks, phase distribution, resources and organization of Project Propp. Every step and phase of the project will be described individually, offering a comprehensive overview of both the project's content and its development process.

Project Propp's objective is to advance the development of Tukko - Traffic Visualizer, improving its user experience and facilitating an expansion of its user base into Sweden. The project aims to achieve those goals with the following:

  1. Allow users to compare different LAM stations side by side.
  2. Enable users to search locations from map by name.
  3. Provide users with road condition reports.
  4. Enhance color contrast for users with color vision deficiency.
  5. Improve dark mode colors.
  6. Analysis of traffic data in Sweden and the localization of content for a Swedish-speaking audience.
  7. Allow users to export traffic data to csv from the database.
  8. Export history data from specific dates.

Project Propp is divided into five phases:

  1. PHASE 0: Planning and Desing
  2. PHASE 1: Implementation and Testing
  3. PHASE 2: Documentation
  4. PHASE 3: Testing and Fixing
  5. PHASE 4: Delivery-Release

During the project, the main stakeholders include the team members of ESCapes, the customer Combitech Oy, the IT Institute of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, students from other teams, and the user community.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

This document defines the limitations and interfaces of Project Propp. This includes detailing any external components or factors that could pose restrictions or influence the implementation of the project.


  1. Technology Constraints: Project Propp must comply with technological limitations, including the compatibility of web-based technologies, programming languages, and frameworks utilized during development.

  2. Time Constraints: Project Propp is bound by time limitations, aiming for completion within a designated timeframe. This might necessitate prioritizing tasks and functionalities to guarantee delivery within the time frame.

  3. Resource Limitations: Project Propp's scope and execution may be constrained by the availability of resources, encompassing hardware, software, and human resources.

  4. Data Availability: Project Propp depends on the presence and ease of access to public transportation APIs. Its scope is bound by the information supplied through these APIs, along with any restrictions or limitations set forth by the API providers.


  1. Traffic Data Providers: Project Propp will interface with external APIs or data sources providing real-time and historical traffic data required for the project's functionality.

  2. User Interface: Project Propp will have an updated user interface through which users can interact with the traffic visualizer. The updates to the existing user interface will remain faithful to the original design.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The project's rights and intellectual property rights (IPR) are regulated by the project agreement. If not explicitly outlined in a distinct agreement, the project's rights adhere to the terms specified in the project plan.

1.5 terms and definitions

This section presents the definitions, terms, and abbreviations used in the project plan to ensure clear communication and avoid misunderstandings between team members and stakeholders. Clear understanding of these terms is essential for effective collaboration and alignment on project objectives.


Tukko - Traffic Visualizer: A software tool designed to visualize and display traffic data, developed in WIMMA Lab 2023 by IoTitude.

Open Source: Software distributed under a license that allows users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software's source code.


API: Application Programming Interface.A set of protocols, tools, and definitions that allow different software applications to communicate with each other.

LAM-station: (Liikenteen Automaattinen Mittausasema) Automatic Traffic Measurement Station - A station used for automated traffic monitoring and data collection purposes, providing valuable insights into traffic patterns and metrics.

1.6 SWOT analysis of the project

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to assess the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with Project Propp. It provides a framework for evaluating internal factors (Strengths and Weaknesses) as well as external factors (Opportunities and Threats) that may impact the success or performance of the project.


  1. Project Propp's team consists of members with varying levels of expertise, which can bring diverse perspectives and skill sets to the project.

  2. Everyone in the team is eager to learn, indicating a positive attitude towards skill development and project success.

  3. Building upon an open source project provides access to a wealth of existing resources and community support.


  1. Some team members lack significant experience in their designated tasks, which may result in challenges and a steeper learning curve.

  2. Variations in expertise levels may lead to disparities in contributions and potential gaps in skill sets needed for certain aspects of the project.

  3. Balancing the project with other academic or personal commitments may pose challenges in meeting deadlines and dedicating sufficient time to the project.


  1. The project provides an opportunity for team members to enhance their skills and gain practical experience in development and collaboration.

  2. Successfully completing the project can serve as a valuable addition to team members' portfolios, showcasing their abilities and accomplishments.


  1. Unforeseen technical challenges or roadblocks during development could delay the project timeline and increase frustration.

  2. The project's scope may expand beyond initial plans, leading to scope creep and potential difficulties in managing project priorities and deliverables.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Team

Name Responsibility
Jere Myllylä Project Manager / Team Lead
Jesse Anttila Developer
Mikko Partanen Security
Jere Soininen OPS/Admin
Ville-Veikko Vähäaho Test Manager

The project team performs the tasks set by the Management Team for the project within the scope of the available resources.

Management Team

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Reima Parviainen Product Owner IoTitude
Sini Karvonen Client Representative Combitech Oy
Jarmo Luostarinen Client Representative Combitech Oy
Marko "NarsuMan" Rintamäki Coach/Scrum Master Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Jere Myllylä Project Manager ESCapes

Support Group

The support group's role is to offer guidance and assistance to the Project Team to help them complete their tasks successfully.

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Marko "NarsuMan" Rintamäki Coach/Scrum Master Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Reima Parviainen Product Owner IoTitude
Discord Tribes Peer Support Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Mentors Expertise and Guidance Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences / Gofore Oyj

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

Project Propp will follow a predetermined schedule, guaranteeing that all tasks are completed within the designated timeframes. We will conduct continuous monitoring and evaluation to assess progress, detect any deviations, and implement necessary adjustments to ensure efficient achievement of the project's objectives.

2.4.Quality verification

To ensure the quality of the project, we will implement a comprehensive quality verification process.

  1. Standards: The project will follow industry-recognized standards and best practices relevant to software development, security, and user experience.

  2. Methods: The project will adhere to established development methodologies, such as Agile, to ensure efficient and high-quality software development.

  3. Documentation: Thorough documentation will be consistently maintained throughout the project, covering requirements, design specifications, test plans, and user manuals. The Project Team will work together to ensure that the documentation is accurate and kept up to date.

  4. Risk Management: A comprehensive risk management plan will be developed and maintained throughout the project, identifying potential risks and outlining corresponding mitigation strategies. All members of the Project Team will actively participate in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to uphold the overall quality and security of the project.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

Methods used for communication and project progress:

  1. Documentation: The GitLab OPF repository will be utilized for reporting, documentation, and version control, housed within its dedicated repository.

  2. Communication: Discord will serve as the primary communication platform for team members and affiliates, while Microsoft Teams will be utilized for daily meetings of the Project Teams.

  3. Information Storage: All relevant project information will be shared and stored within the GitLab repository.

  4. Reporting Regular status updates will be added to Current status page. Worktime reporting if handled through Future Factory 2024 Worktime reporting -system.

2.6.The end of the project

At the end of the Future Factory 2024 course, Project Propp will go through the following:

  1. Delivery: The final product will be delivered to relevant stakeholders.

  2. Filing: All project-related documentation and material will be filed and archived for future use.

  3. Final Report: A final project report will be written, with a summary of Project Propp's objectives, chanllenges and lessons learned.

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

Phasing in a Gantt Chart uml diagram

Phasing in GitLab
(Requires GitLab sign in)

Milestone - Gate 0

Team established and roles assigned. Everyone completed studies related to their role and familiarized themselves to the basics of the project.

Milestone - Gate 1

Updated teams OPF and introduction sites with team introductions and corrected links and other content to our specific project. Prepare to present features for the reviewer.

Aim to update and deliver following documents:

  • Offer and Contract
  • Cost estimation
  • Requiment specification
  • Communication plan
  • Risk management plan

Milestone - Gate 2

We want to advance with implementation, testing and documentation.

We should have a pretty good idea about our end product and work towards that.

Milestone - Gate 3

Implementation, testing and documentation should be close to finished state.

We should focus on acceptance testing and hone our product to make sure it satisfies our customers needs.

Milestone - Gate 4

Project should be finished and all there is left to do is closing up and see off the project to production.


  • Final report
  • Performance team
  • Last management team meeting to unload the project organization

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:


4. Quality assurance

These guidelines will ensure quality assurance in Project Propp:

  1. Working Methods: All of the project's working methods are defined and documented. These methods include coding standards and testing procedures.

  2. Instruments: Appropriate tools and software for project management, version control, issue tracking and documentation for the project are identified and selected. We will be utilizing GitLab for version control and Open Project Framework as the documentation platform.

  3. Documentation: All project activities, changes and decisions need to be documented, utilizing GitLab and Open Project Framework.

  4. Standards: Clear standards and instructions for development, testing and documentation established and ensure that all team members adhere to them.

  5. Testing: Thorough testing done by the testing team according to test planning.

  6. Client and Industry Requirements: Requirements and standards set by the client or industry regulation identified. Ensure that the team complies with these requirements and that they are incorporated into the quality assurance processes.

4.1 Approval of Intermediate and Results

In the project, the approval procedure for intermediate deliverables and final results is critical to ensuring project alignment with stakeholder expectations and quality standards. The approval process involves the following steps:

  1. Review: Intermediate deliverables and final results undergo review and evaluation by relevant stakeholders, encompassing Project Team members, clients, and other key stakeholders, providing valuable insights and perspectives to enhance the overall quality of the deliverables.

  2. Assessment: Following the review stage, an assessment of the deliverables' suitability and readiness for approval is conducted. This assessment involves analyzing the feedback gathered during the review process, identifying any areas for improvement or refinement, and determining whether the deliverables meet the specified criteria and expectations.

  3. Approval: Upon completion of the review and assessment stages, the deliverables are presented for approval. This approval signifies formal acceptance of the deliverables by the stakeholders involved, indicating their satisfaction with the quality and completeness of the work. Approval may be granted through formal sign-off procedures or other agreed-upon mechanisms, ensuring clear documentation of stakeholder endorsement.

  4. Documentation: Once approved, deliverables are documented and archived for future reference. This documentation captures the approval process, involved stakeholders, as well as all notable comments and feedback. By maintaining detailed documentation, the project ensures transparency, traceability, and accountability for all approved deliverables.

4.2 Manage changes

Change management procedure is crucial for adapting project practices and addressing changes to project outcomes. Our change management procedure follows these steps:

  1. Identify Change: Proposed changes are identified and communicated to relevant stakeholders.

  2. Assess Impact: The impact of the proposed changes is carefully assessed.

  3. Approve Changes: The proposed changes need to be reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders.

  4. Implement Changes: Once approved, proposed changes are implemented to the project.

  5. Document Changes: Each step of this process is documented for future reference and to ensure transparency.

4.3 Documentation

In the project, documentation encompasses several key tools and platforms. We utilize GitLab and the Open Project Framework (OPF) for documentation, ensuring thorough tracking and management of the project. Additionally, GitLab is used for maintaining the OPF project page, providing a centralized location for project updates and information.

4.4 Risk management

A risk management plan is a vital component of any project, designed to systematically identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor potential risks that may impact the achievement of project objectives. This plan evolves throughout the project lifecycle as new risks emerge and are identified, ensuring that mitigation strategies remain effective and responsive to changing circumstances.

4.5 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.6 Plans for review and updating

The project plan is designed to be responsive to deviations and environmental changes, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness throughout the project lifecycle. As such, regular review and updating are integral to maintaining alignment with project goals and adapting to evolving circumstances.

To facilitate this process, specific dates are recorded within the project plan, indicating when the plan must be reviewed and updated at a minimum. These milestone dates serve as checkpoints to ensure that the project remains on track and that any necessary adjustments are made in a timely manner.

Additionally, the project team is responsible for actively monitoring project progress and identifying any deviations or environmental changes that may require updates to the plan. By proactively addressing these factors, the project can mitigate risks, capitalize on opportunities, and ultimately achieve its objectives more effectively.

4.7 Project Suspension Criteria

A comprehensive project plan also incorporates criteria for project suspension. However, these criteria are not typically applied to student projects due to the predetermined timeframe allocated for project completion. Upon the conclusion of the course, the project results are released as they stand. Nonetheless, the project team may devise a supplementary development plan to ensure the potential continuation of a new project.

5. Communication and Project Progress Tracking

5.1 Communication Plan

The Communication Plan is crafted to establish efficient communication methods and channels for the project, guaranteeing a seamless flow of information that directly impacts the achievement of the project's objectives.

Key components of the Communication Plan include:

  • General Communications Channels
  • Internal Communications
  • Communications with Coaches
  • Communications with Stakeholder Representatives
  • Communications with External Stakeholders

For a more comprehensive look into our communication, please refer to our Communication Plan.

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

The final product of the project must be thoroughly documented and presented to the customer, encompassing any essential installation or commissioning services. If customer training is necessary, a detailed training plan should be formulated. If applicable, an installation plan and deployment plan can also be included to ensure smooth implementation and operation.

6.2 Official termination of the project

The project ends on 22/04/2024, per the schedule of the Future Factory 2024 course.

6.3 Termination

To commemorate the closure of the project, a joint closure seminar or event may be arranged. This occasion offers project participants the chance to come together and contemplate the project's accomplishments. In Finland, it is customary to organize a sauna event as part of the celebration, fostering camaraderie and team-building among participants.To commemorate the closure of the project, a joint closure seminar or event may be arranged. This occasion offers project participants the chance to come together and contemplate the project's accomplishments. In Finland, it is common to organize a sauna event as part of the celebration, fostering camaraderie and team-building among participants.

6.4 Project Final Report

The project's final report will be compiled during the last phase of the project. This document will encapsulate the project's objectives, outcomes, encountered challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for future projects. Serving as a vital repository of information and insights, the report benefits stakeholders and enriches organizational knowledge, fostering continuous improvement.