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Risk Management Plan

Document: Risk Management Plan
Author: Jere Myllylä
Version: 0.2
Date: 12.2.2024

The following is a list of recognized risks for the project, each categorized by severity from S1 to S5, with S1 representing the most severe level. These severity classifications will aid in assessing and prioritizing potential risks to ensure effective risk management throughout the project's lifecycle. Severity descriptions can be found below the risk list.

Recognized risks:

RISK ID Description Severity class Probability Prevention How to handle
RIS001 Team member illness S3 90% Cross-train members in critical tasks, maintain clear communication Notify team leader, possibly redistribute tasks
RIS002 Sprint scheduling failure S4 60% Clear communication within the team, observe how the issues are being progressed Reasses the schedule and make the necessary adjustments.
RIS003 Team member leaves the project S2 10% Cross-train members in critical tasks Asses impact on the project, redistribute tasks and responsibilities
RIS004 Scope creep S4 30% Clear communication within the team and with stakeholders Reasses project scope and make adjustments if necessary
RIS005 Insufficient documentation S3 40% Proper documentation practices, encourage team members to document their progress and share knowledge with the team Assess the situation of the documentation and assign team members to write the required documentation
RIS006 Insufficient communication between team members S3 30% Encourage open and efficient communication. Address communication problems immediately Recap selected communication channels.
RIS007 Poor project tracking and monitoring S4 25% Regular progress reviews. Identify deviations from the plan and address them proactively
RIS008 Insufficient knowledge or skill gaps in the chosen technologies S2 70% Provide team members with the time needed to learn and understand new technologies. Cross train members in areas of expertise Open communication within the team, ask for help from the team or tribes
RIS009 Miscommunication with stakeholders S3 20% Communicate and document in an understandable way Clear misunderstandings with stakeholders as soon as possible
RIS010 Unequal division of labor S2 60% Involve the whole team in Sprint planning Immediate meeting with the team
RIS011 Budget overruns S2 40% Clearly defined features and accurate cost estimates Assess impact on project, review options, such as reducing scope or reallocating resources. Transparent communication with stakeholders
RIS012 Quality Assurance issues S2 25% Define testing processes, dedicate time and resources to proper testing Reasses testing practices and resources, promote thorough testing at all stages of the project

Severity descriptions:

Severity class Description Management
S1 Extremely Severe Constant observation
S2 Severe Active observation
S3 Normal Observation
S4 Possible affect Observation
S5 No immediate affect Should be observed