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ESCapes Introduction

ESCapes was formed as a part of the Future Factory (IT) 2024 -course in January 2024. We bring a diverse set of skills and perspectives to the table and are united by our passion for technology and our commitment to learning.

Team members

Name Description Company Main responsibilities Links
Jere Myllylä Team Leader ESCapes Project leading, scheduling, documentation and testing LinkedIn
Jesse Anttila DEV ESCapes Software development, continuous integration and deployment LinkedIn
Mikko Partanen SEC ESCapes Security analysis, security testing and issue management LinkedIn
Jere Soininen OPS/Admin ESCapes Infrastructure management and maintenance, system administration LinkedIn
Ville-Veikko Vähäaho TEST ESCapes Designing and implementing tests, error troubleshooting LinkedIn

You can find pictures of all our team members and other information on our website.