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FEA101 - Compare different LAM stations side by side

Feature ID FEA101
Subsystem the feature is part of Compare different LAM stations side by side
Responsible person Jesse Anttila
Status Work in Progress


Users should be able to compare the stations' data simultaneously and in an easy-to-use manner.

Use Case User wants to compare data from two LAM stations easily

Preliminary user stories

  • As a user, I want to compare two separate LAM stations real time data side by side on one view for both directions. US001

  • US067 As a user, I want to compare two separate LAM stations real time data side by side on one view for both directions. US067

  • US068 As a user, I want to compare two different LAM stations both directions data-analytics on the same window or graph. US068

User interface mock-up


After a couple of different implementation ideas, I decided to settle on (with the whole team's agreement) making the LAM station tooltips (the initial popup windows that appear when clicking on a marker) draggable. The user can now "grab" any open tooltip and move it around, however due to multiple issues I faced during development, the tooltips cannot currently be placed in a new location and will instead pop back to their original opening location. I did get it to work somewhat okay, but it felt very "wonky" and awkward to use, so I decided to only implement the dragging ability.

On top of that, I added a lock icon that leaves the tooltips visible if activated, bypassing the automatic closing after 1 second if the user first hovered over the tooltip with their cursor and then moved away from it. This is only for convenience, and dragging works in both "locked" and "unlocked" states.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
TC101-001 FUNC-REQ-C0001 Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
TC101-002 FUNC-REQ-C0001 Ville-Veikko Vähäaho