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FEA304 - Localization for Swedish

Feature ID FEA304
Subsystem the feature is part of Localization for Swedish
Responsible person Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Status Done


When we expand our traffic tracking to Sweden, basic localization is needed to make new users use the site with low operating treshold.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case Person wishes to use the service in Swedish

Preliminary user stories

  • As a swedish person I want to use the user interface in my native language, Swedish. US58

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testing should validate that users are able to select Swedish as their language preference in Tukko and that all menus and text within the application are accurately translated into Swedish.

Testcase Test source Responsible
TC304-001 FUNC-REQ-C0005 Jesse Anttila
TC304-002 FUNC-REQ-C0005 Jesse Anttila