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User: Compare LAM-stations

It is a good idea to include a view of the selected relevant use case description.

Remember that the drawn description is only part of the description of the use case! The use case should be described in detail in text format.

  • Author: Your name?
  • Date / Version: xx/yy/zzzz

User roles

  1. role? Actor1?
  2. role? Actor2?
  3. role?

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Condition which should be fulfilled
  2. Condition which should be existing

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. step
  2. step
  3. step
  4. step
  5. step
  6. step


  • E1

  • E2


  • Expected result of the use case

Use frequency

  • Describe how often the use case is executed.

Additional information

  • Describe other relevant information related to the use case, such as open issues, references to the codes used, etc.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.