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Product mind map

This is a mind map view of Project Propp's planned features. The primary features are described in the picture down below.

uml diagram

FEA Number Feature Functionalities Functional Requirement / User Story
FEA101 Compare different LAM stations side by side Ability to compare two different LAM stations' data side by side FUNCTIONAL-REQ-001
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors Updated dark mode colors to be more user friendly and easier to look at FUNCTIONAL-REQ-002
FEA109 Search location by name A text input search bar to easily find a specific location from the map FUNCTIONAL-REQ-003
FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness An option to turn color blindness mode on/off FUNCTIONAL-REQ-004
FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand Updated branding to match the team and JAMK FUNCTIONAL-REQ-006
FEA201 Export data to csv from the database Ability to export recent traffic data in .csv format FUNCTIONAL-REQ-007
FEA203 Export history data from specific dates Ability to export traffic data from a specific time frame FUNCTIONAL-REQ-008
FEA302 Traffic situation in Sweden Expansion to the product to show current traffic data in Sweden FUNCTIONAL-REQ-008
FEA304 Localization for Swedish Ability to switch product language to Swedish FUNCTIONAL-REQ-009
FEA403 Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities Scans performed by team security at regular intervals. Scans performed with specified tools and strategies FUNCTIONAL-REQ-010
FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices All code will follow security guidelines FUNCTIONAL-REQ-011
FEA516 Manual Testing Manual testing will include Unit, Integration, Monkey and System testing FUNCTIONAL-REQ-012