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Testcase 110-001

Test Case description Check that color contrast is fulfilling the accesbility requirements.
Test Case ID TC110-001
Autohor/Designer Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Date of creation 19.02.2024
Class functional/non-functional/acceptance

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that color contrast of the Tukko will fulfill the accesbility requirements.

Links to requirements or other sources

  • Feature: FEA110

  • Tukko should be set up

Test steps

  1. Open Tukko
  2. Go through all the menus and popups
  3. Check the colors and that they fullfill all the requirements.

Test end-state

  • What happens after running the test

To be taken into account during test

  • Notion 1
  • Notion 2

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition?
  • FAIL condition?