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Testcase 201-001

Test Case description Verify that exporting data to CSV works.
Test Case ID TC201-001
Autohor/Designer Ville-Veikko Vähäaho & Jere Myllylä
Date of creation 19.04.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that user is able to export data from Tukko to CSV.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Tukko should be set up * Data export feature should be implemented

Test steps

  1. Open Tukko.
  2. Click on LAM-station
  3. Click on Direction
  4. Click on Open history data
  5. Click on export data.
  6. Verify that download process starts
  7. Download exported data to the local system.
  8. Open exported CSV file.
  9. Validate the following:
    • The CSV contains all expected data fields and records.
    • Data values are correctly formatted.
    • Special characters and delimiters are handled correctly.
    • Data integrity is maintained.
    • The CSV file is readable and usable for further analysis.
  10. Repeat on another LAM-station.

Test end-state

  • The CSV file is readable and usable for further analysis.
  • Tukko remains in a stable and functional state after the export process.

To be taken into account during test

  • Concurrent users: If possible, Simulate scenarios where multiple users attempt to export data simultaneously to assess the application's ability to handle concurrent export requests.
  • Does not work on Swedish data

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

PASS condition

  • The export process completes successfully without encountering any errors or interruptions.
  • The downloaded CSV file contains all expected data fields and records.
  • Data values are accurately represented and formatted within the CSV file.
  • Special characters, delimiters, and line breaks are appropriately handled, ensuring data integrity.
  • The CSV file is readable and usable for further analysis or processing purposes.
  • Nothing else is downloaded

FAIL condition

  • The export process encounters errors or interruptions, preventing the completion of the export operation.
  • The downloaded CSV file is missing data fields or records.
  • Data values within the CSV file are inaccurately represented or formatted, leading to data corruption or misinterpretation.
  • The CSV file is unreadable or unusable for further analysis or processing.
  • Extra files are downloaded.