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Testcase 201-002

Test Case description Verify that exporting data to CSV works.
Test Case ID TC201-001
Autohor/Designer Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Date of creation 19.04.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that the export csv button is translated in to every language in use in Tukko.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Tukko should be set up * Data export feature should be implemented

Test steps

  1. Open Tukko.
  2. Switch language into English from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page
  3. Click on LAM-station
  4. Click on Direction
  5. Click on Open history data
  6. Verify that button to download csv data is translated into English
  7. Click on that button. Verify that it works.
  8. Switch language into Finnish from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page
  9. Click on LAM-station
  10. Click on Suunta
  11. Click on Avaa historia data
  12. Verify that button to download csv data is translated into Finnish
  13. Click on that button. Verify that it works.
  14. Switch language into Swedish from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page
  15. Click on LAM-station
  16. Click on Riktning
  17. Click on Öppna historie data
  18. Verify that button to download csv data is translated into Swedish
  19. Click on that button. Verify that it works.

Test end-state

  • Button is translated correctly for every language in use in Tukko
  • Button works in every language

To be taken into account during test * Does not work on Swedish data

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

PASS condition

  • Button is translated in English
  • Button is translated in Finnish
  • Button is translated in Swedish
  • Button works in English
  • Button works in Finnish
  • Button works in Swedish

FAIL condition

  • Button is not translated
  • Button is not working