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Testcase 304-002

Test Case description Verify changing the language back from Swedish to other languages
Test Case ID TC304-002
Autohor/Designer Jere Myllylä
Date of creation 15.03.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case aims to verify functionality of switching back from Swedish language.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Tukko should be set up * The language selection feature within Tukko is implemented and functional. * The Swedish language option is available in the language selection menu. * The menus and text within the application have been translated into Swedish.

Test steps

  1. Open Tukko.
  2. Locate the language selection button.
  3. Click on the button to view available language options.
  4. Verify that "Swedish" is listed as one of the language options.
  5. Select "Swedish" from the language button.
  6. Navigate through various menus within the Tukko application.
  7. Verify that all menus, buttons, labels, and other text elements are displayed in Swedish.
  8. Click on the language selection button again.
  9. Verify that "English" and "Finnish" are listed as available language options.
  10. Select "English" or "Finnish" from the language button to switch back to the desired language.
  11. Navigate through various menus within the Tukko application.
  12. Verify that all menus, buttons, labels, and other text elements are displayed accurately in the selected language (English or Finnish).
  13. Ensure that the application functions correctly with the selected language settings.
  14. Close Tukko.

Test end-state

After completing the test steps, the Tukko application should be in a state where the selected language (Swedish, English, or Finnish) is displayed throughout the application, including menus, buttons, labels, and other text elements. The application should function correctly with the selected language settings enabled, providing a seamless user experience in the chosen language.

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure that the language selection functionality is intuitive and easy to use.
  • Verify that the application responds promptly when changing between different language settings.
  • Pay attention to any potential layout issues or text truncation that may occur when switching languages.
  • Test the functionality thoroughly in each selected language to ensure all features work as expected.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

Pass Criteria: - Swedish language selection option is available and functional. - All menus, buttons, labels, and other text elements are accurately translated into Swedish. - The translated text fits within the allocated space on the user interface without causing layout issues. - The application functions correctly with Swedish language settings enabled, without any adverse effects on usability or performance.

Fail Criteria: - The Swedish language selection option is missing or not functional. - Any menus, buttons, labels, or text elements are not translated into Swedish or are inaccurately translated. - The translated text causes layout issues or overlaps with other elements on the user interface. - The application exhibits usability issues or performance issues when Swedish language settings are enabled.