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Document Test Report
Author: Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Version: 0.1
Date: 19.4.2024

1. Introduction

This document shows the results of tests conducted for Feature101. Below, you'll find test cases along with their brief descriptions, results, and any accompanying notes.

2. Test Items

Feature 101 Compare LAM-stations side by side. User should be able to compare direction data side by side.

Feature 101 Compare LAM-stations side by side. User should be able to compare realtime data side by side.

3. Test Levels

Functional testing was conducted to the export csv feature.

4. Test Cases

Date and time Test Case Description Status Notes
19.04.2024 13:00 TC101-001 Verify that you can compare LAM-stations direction data side by side Failed
19.04.2024 13:30 TC101-002 Verify that you can compare LAM-stations realtime data side by side Failed -

5. Test Summary

  • Total cases: 2
  • Passed: 0
  • Failed: 2
  • Pending: 0
  • Success Rate: 100%

6. Defects

  • LAM-stations don't stick to the place where you move them.
  • LAM-station popups close when scrolling away.
  • First LAM-stations closes when real time data is opened for the 2nd station.
  • LAM-Stations stack up on each other when too close to eachother making it impossible to compare them.

7. Conclusion

The feature does not meet the criteria given and needs more work.

8. Recommendations

Regression testing recommended after other features are implemented.

9. Approvals

Team leader Jere Myllylä has to approve this document.