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Document Test Report
Author: Ville-Veikko Vähäaho
Version: 0.1
Date: 4.3.2024

1. Introduction

This document shows the results of the test done to Feature112. TC112-001

2. Test Items

Logos in Tukko and the their links.

3. Test Levels

Functional testing was conducted to the logos links.

4. Test Cases

Date and time Test Case Description Status Notes
04.03.2024 14:50 Example of the Bug/Defect issue This test case should verify that the updated team and JAMK brading is visible on the Tukko and it looks correct. Pass -

5. Test Summary

  • Total cases: 1
  • Passed: 1
  • Failed: 0
  • Pending: 0
  • Success Rate: 100%

6. Defects

No defects were found.

7. Conclusion

Works as intended. Links lead in the right place and the logos are clearly visible.

8. Recommendations

Need to redo the tests after planned changes to colors.

9. Approvals

Team leader Jere Myllylä has to approve this document.