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Document Test Report
Author: Jere Myllylä
Version: 0.1
Date: 19.4.2024

1. Introduction

This document shows the results of tests conducted for Feature302. Below, you'll find test cases along with their brief descriptions, results, and any accompanying notes.

2. Test Items

Feature 302 adds traffic data from Sweden to the application. Due to limited data availability, traffic data is only dispalyed in three counties: Stockholm, Skåne and Gothenburg.

Traffic data from Sweden is also different from it's Finnish counterpart, requiring a different user interface.

3. Test Levels

Functionality and usability testing was conducted to the feature.

4. Test Cases

Date and time Test Case Description Status Notes
25.03.2024 13:00 TC302-001 Verify that traffic situation in Sweden is viewable and data updates Pass If the user clicks on the opened popup, a button with the text 'Open History Data' will appear. This is not currently implemented and is there for future development.

5. Test Summary

  • Total cases: 1
  • Passed: 1
  • Failed: 0
  • Pending: 0
  • Success Rate: 100%

6. Defects

  • After a while, traffic data from Sweden seems to disappear for the most part. Restarting containers running Tukko resolves this issue for a time.

  • Some two LAM station clusters in Sweden can have some issues showing traffic data from selected station. Clicking on the cluster should open the previously selected lane's data.

7. Conclusion

While the feature is not at the same level of polish as the Finnish version, it serves it's purpose.

8. Recommendations

Regression testing recommended after other features are implemented.
Thorough testing recommended after future development.

9. Approvals

Test manager Ville-Veikko Vähäaho has to approve this document.