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Document Test Report
Author: Jesse Anttila
Version: 0.1
Date: 19.4.2024

1. Introduction

This document shows the results of tests conducted for Feature304.

2. Test Items

Feature 304 Localization for Swedish - As a swedish person I want to use the user interface in my native language, Swedish.

3. Test Levels

Text translation tests were made on various parts of Tukko 1.1.

4. Test Cases

Date and time Test Case Description Status Notes
19.04.2024 13:00 TC304-001 Verify that Tukko is translated into Swedish Passed
19.04.2024 13:30 TC304-002 Verify changing the language back from Swedish to other languages Passed

5. Test Summary

  • Total cases: 2
  • Passed: 2
  • Failed: 0
  • Pending: 0
  • Success Rate: 100%

6. Findings

  • Overall works very well
  • Small change suggestions to some translations, for example "Ge respons" -> "Ge feedback"

7. Conclusion

The feature meets the given criteria.

8. Recommendations

Regression testing recommended after other features are implemented.

9. Approvals

Team leader Jere Myllylä has to approve this document.