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Welcome to Demo Day

We are Team 9, better known as ESCapes, and this is our version on Tukko 1.1.

About our Assignment

This project aims to further develop an open-source service known as "Tukko - Traffic Visualizer", initially created by Team IotTitude in WIMMA Lab 2023. Both the original assignment and the new task originated from Combitech Oy.

Our objective in enhancing the Traffic Visualizer is to improve the user experience and broaden its user base.

What we have been developing

For this demo, we have prepared 2 features:

You can find the Demo service running here.

What should be tested

Feature 109

  1. Click the magnifying class icon in the upper-left corner
  2. Try searching for cities within Finland and Sweden
  3. Try searching for specific streets (e.g., Piippukatu)
  4. Search for non-existent location names

Feature 304

  1. Click the dropdown menu in the bottom-right corner
  2. Select 'SV'
  3. Check different UI elements
    • Use a translator if you don't know Swedish
  4. Try changing back to Finnish or English

About our technical implementation and focus areas

Our team possesses a diverse skill set, with a slight emphasis on development expertise. That is why we focused on more development-heavy features aimed at enhancing the overall user experience. Currently we are actively working on the following features, all scheduled to be completed by the end of the current sprint:

Feature ID Feature Name
FEA101 Compare different LAM stations side by side
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors
FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness
FEA201 Export data to csv from the database
FEA203 Export history data from specific dates
FEA302 Traffic situation in Sweden

Give us some feedback!